Friday, October 30, 2009

What is happening

The confusion of this generation is a killer of dreams,hope, aspirations, possibilities and actualization of the next Generation. Pat Utomi said "Each generation should provide an efficient and strong shoulder for their offsprings to climb on and show them how to build theirs for the next generation."

Until this is done, our nation and world will keep spiralling down into the deep abyss which is the path we have placed ourselves. According to classical lows of physics, "any object in orbit(spiralling) will continue to lose energy until it collapses into the center of the orbit.

The previous generations have failed in this duty and that is why the situation is as bad as it is today. Take a good look at the deplorable state of infrastructures: buildings collapsing. Why? When they are not mud houses! Roads that can only last for 3 months before becoming a death trap like the others, while some cant even survive one rainy season. Look at the unthinkable state of Education and u just want to ask one question "DO THEY THINK at all?" They call children leaders of tomorrow and dont teach them. How do they lead? Who do they want to lead? Jeopardising the future of the world for momentary gains. This wont help us.

Monday, September 14, 2009