Friday, January 21, 2011

Traveling Through Life

African folklore holds that life is a stage where you come, act your part as thr hero or heroine of your own story and leave. True, but I want to view life as a journey that you undertake; a journey from A to B, from Birth till Death, From Grass to Grace and from Peasant to King.
Here are some tips you need while traveling through life;
1. Travel light:
You can always tell the difference between an experienced traveller and a new one by the size of their luggage. Too many people travel through life with a lot of emotional baggage which they haven’t learnt to let go. Travelling light is about finding your priorities, carrying along only the essential stuff and asking for forgiveness along the way.

2. Take someone with you:
Life is all about relationships. What’s the fun in life if you live alone, the creator in his wisdom couldn’t have created us all if He didn’t want us interacting. In fact it’s His will that we live as one, so find someone who knows you and sees you for who you really are, someone who brings out the best in you, who believes in you and will walk hand in hand with you till the end of your journey or till death do you both part.

3. Follow the road map:
Have a game plan. If you don’t know where you are going, how can you hope to get there? It’s important you know where you are. (A) By doing self-reflection everyday and knowing where you want to go. (B) By setting goals- but don’t succumb to ‘’destination disease”. Life isn’t only about reaching B; Life happens between A & B. Enjoy the journey!
4. Take the high road:
Those who are instruments of grace to others automatically become recipients of grace themselves. Have a LIFE! It’s all about
1. Your overall frame of reference.
2. Your attitude.
3. Your Assumptions and expectations of yourself, others around you and life in general
Taking the high road means you do not keep scores, you learn to forgive others and do your best to help people around you.

5. Stop and ask for directions
Don’t form superman, No matter the direction you are heading. It’s very likely that someone has been there and done that. Ask advice and save yourself time and resources.

6. Make a U-turn when needed
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser, you can’t turn back time when you have made a mistake, but you can change directions; turn your disappointment into victory, take a U-turn before it’s too late. Not changing when you ought to might be dangerous and even lead to death!

7. Appreciate the detours
Life isn’t a smooth one way street, appreciate and learn to take the detours. Predictors, reminders, opportunities, blessings, lessons, messages, challenges are everywhere. Learn to take which one comes your way. Detours gives joy and adds variety which is the spice of life to your life

8. Take pictures;
There’s a need to create memories as u go. Let go and work like you don’t need the money,
Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, Live your life with the littlest of barriers as they limit your fun, love like you’ve never been hurt before, live like its heaven on earth.

9. Travel the extra mile;
If and when it presents itself, always take the extra mile. Who knows what you could find in that extra mile? Another adventure? Maybe a beautiful sight? Or a lovely encounter? Perhaps an enchanting lover? Go the extra mile; it might be worth the whole journey

10. Stop to smell the roses;
Don’t rush through life; take some time to appreciate its beauty. Enjoy the butterflies dance. Last but not the least; be grateful for everyone and everything in your life
11. Creation without creator is a river without its source, so take God along with you every single step of the way. With Him, all things are possible for you. Don’t ever forget that.

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